About the Campaign

This is an initiative we have planned to support the females in rural areas across India as they are the one’s who shall need hygiene products as necessary and not as accessory.

If you are an NGO

You can alliance with us for generating donations and get all the required support for organizing Menstrual Hygiene Management camp in your area. You can also partner with us for getting our products at subsidized rates.

If you are Donor

If you are a Donor and would like to support needy females across rural India, then you can join hands with us by donating and we will do the donations by giving our products to needy people through our partner NGO’s

Highlights of Our activities

Training on menstrual hygiene management with FREE distribution of Menstrual cup and Standing urination device to 2200 Mumbai Police Women officers.

It was during the pandemic in 2020 – 21, when we all saw that police became the real heroes of our life by doing their duty 24-/7 even when we were safe at home to be safe from Covid19. But every police across the nation was still on toes at their respective jurisdiction for our safety. This was the time we thought that we as a citizen should always support these real heroes as much as we can and always on priority. So while we started with Lyvefresh ANANDA in 2021, we started approaching various police stations of #mumbai starting from #parksitepolicestation at Vikhroli west, where we did our first workshop for 12 women staff with the support of #Senior PI #Zubeda Shaikh.

Now its the time, as we discussed about this initiative with #dcp N. Ambika with the support of the NGO #habitatforhumanity – Mumbai, she supported us together for organizing such workshops for all the #mumbaipolice women officers and also distribute the eco friendly products Free of cost through the NGO #habitatforhumanity

So to start with, we organized #lyvefresh Ananda at #policetraining centre #marol #andheri #mumbai on 19th March 2022 for around 250 women officers who are under training at present. We received extended support from #Minakshi Rane – Vice Principal at Police Training Centre – Marol and #PI Sanjay Naik through-out the event. We appreciate their support and also look forward for organizing more such programs with them.

Jigar K. Parekh Nikita Gala

#lyvefreshananda #ngoinindia #mumbaipolice #policetraining #freeworkshop #safety #police #menstrualhygiene #menstrualcup

Training on menstrual hygiene management with FREE distribution of Menstrual cup and Standing urination device Mumbai Railway Police Women officers.

We have celebrated “International women’s day” with #railwaypolicemumbai by organizing a workshop “Lyvefresh ANANDA” on Menstrual hygiene Management & Sanitary waste management for female officers of Railway Police Mumbai. Training was provided by Nikita Gala – Training Director – Lyvefresh ANANDA.

We highly appreciate the support of The Commissioner Of Railway Police Mumbai Mr. Quaiser Khalid IPS for giving us an opportunity to do this workshop during their celebration of International women’s day at their headquarters located at #ghatkopar Mr. Shahaji Nikkam

The event was on 6th, 7th & 8th March 2022 with support of #hdfcbank with many more such workshops.

The workshops was attended by more than 125 Railway Police female officers and was highly appreciated by all. This was first of its kind workshop organized for them. This workshop brought some light to their knowledge on Menstrual hygiene management and sanitary waste management

FREE distribution of Standing Urination Device @ Family Service Centre COLABA Mumbai

Message from Mrs. Sangita Rajesh Gala … who organized this Camp.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S WEEK am deeply thankful to Nikita & Jigar from Lyvefresh team for taking out her precious time to introduce this very helpful product and donate to Colaba and Ambedkar nagar slum community’s 81 young girls (age14-18) They are part of the Camp organized by #Familyservicescentre, Colaba. In charge Program Officer: Anupriya Shah, my sincerest gratitude to you all. Women are required to use public toilets in day to day life which are UN-hygienic most of the times. So to prevent this, females have avoided drinking water.Rarely one comes across a clean toilet while travelling.Women have to make contact with the toilet seat which increases their chance of catching an infection and holding pee increase the chances of UTI – (urinary track infections). Hence the idea of a portable standing urination device is a boon to the issue. This device helps women to stand and pee without any contact with the dirty toilets. Its made from finest grade of Silicone rubber making it reusable for more than 5 years. Features of this device made from silicone are: High Heat Resistant, High Chemical Resistant, Anti Microbial, Stain and odor free,easy to wash and store. #internationalwomensday


Free Workshop on How & Why to use Standing Urination Device @ ParkSite Police Station, Vikhroli West, Mumbai.

We were highly thankful to Sr. PI. Madam Zubeda Sheikh, who supported us in organizing this workshop. The product was very helpful to females working with mumbai police and was highly appreciated by all. We would wish to organize such more camps for mumbai police with the support of respective police station.




When you give a donation, you will be able to set an example for the people around you. … It means that charities will receive more donations and so it would be easier for them to work on their cause.

Every corporate in India have understood the importance for organizing CSR activities which is to create betterment of society and nature.

These CSR activities would help the society and nature in following ways …

  • Reducing carbon footprints.
  • Improving labor policies.
  • Participating in fairtrade.
  • Charitable giving.
  • Volunteering in the community.
  • Corporate policies that benefit the environment.
  • Socially and environmentally conscious investments

So to help you achieve your CSR goals we at ZONTOM would love to partner with you and help you create road map during utilizing your CSR funds. It is very important that these CSR funds have be utilized in a right channel through right partners so we bring you a platform with NGO’s working towards the noble cause of supporting Female Hygiene in rural areas of India.

You can also avail complete Tax benefits for the donated amount to NGO as per Sec 80G of IT Act 1976.


  • Helping the planet
  • Helping the Organizations
  • Helping the Poor
  • Saving the World
  • Small charitable donations have huge impact
  • Its beneficial for needy people
  • Poverty can be reduced
  • Peace of Mind
  • Spread Justice
  • Set an Example
  • Tax Benefits


We would like to Alliance with your esteem NGO for a Noble Cause working towards Females health and wellness.

Currently we are supporting all the NGO’s working towards Menstrual Hygiene Management for females. In Rural India, as a whole, menstruation is a taboo induced with stigma not permitting discussion or information seeking. Because of the shame and superstitious associated with this monthly biological occurrence. The women are impacted by poor menstrual hygiene. Guidelines defined by the government recently on Menstrual Hygiene Management will bridge the information gap about the public health issue and also improve the hygiene standards among rural women.

Even if you are an NGO who have never worked in this space and would like to start some efforts regarding Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), can also connect with us and we can jointly create a better rural India.

How does it works ?
We offer all menstrual products to NGO’s across India at subsidized rates.



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